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Water Testing

Understanding Water Quality Testing: A Deep Dive into IS 3025 Standards


IS 3025 is a set of Indian Standards specifying the methods for sampling and test procedures for water used in industrial, domestic, and environmental applications. It encompasses a wide range of tests to evaluate the physical, chemical, and microbiological characteristics of water, ensuring it meets the required quality standards for safe consumption and usage.

water testing

Key Parameters for Water Testing as per IS 3025

Microbiological Quality

  • Total Coliforms (MPN/100ml) and E.coli (MPN/100 ml): These tests measure the presence of coliform bacteria, including E.coli, indicating water contamination by fecal matter. A safe water supply should ideally have zero MPN (Most Probable Number) per 100 ml, signaling no fecal contamination.

Physical and Aesthetic Quality

  • Physical Appearance After Filtration: This assesses water clarity and the presence of suspended particles.
  • Colour, Hazen units, max: Water coloration is measured in Hazen units, with standards specifying the maximum acceptable level to ensure water is aesthetically pleasing.
  • Odour and Turbidity, NTU, Max: These parameters assess water’s smell and cloudiness, indicating quality and treatment efficacy.
  • Electrical Conductivity and pH: These tests evaluate the water’s ionic content and acidity/alkalinity, essential for determining its suitability for various uses.

Chemical and Hardness Quality

  • Total Hardness as (CaCO3) mg/l Max and Calcium (as Ca) mg/l Max: Hardness tests identify the concentration of calcium and magnesium, affecting water use in industrial processes and domestic appliances.
  • Magnesium as Mg, Total Suspended Solids, Total Alkalinity mg/l Max, and Chloride as Cl: These parameters measure the presence of magnesium, suspended particles, the water’s ability to neutralize acids, and chloride content, respectively.
  • Total Iron as Fe, Sulphate as SO4 mg/l, Max, and Total Dissolved Solids: Essential for detecting iron and sulfate levels and the total dissolved solids, indicating water purity and treatment needs.
  • Silica (Reactive) as SiO2, Carbonate Hardness, and Non-carbonate Hardness: These tests are vital for industrial applications, impacting water’s corrosivity and scale-forming potential.
  • Free Residual Chlorine: Measures chlorine levels, critical for disinfection but needing control to avoid adverse health effects.
water Testing


Understanding and maintaining water quality is essential for health, environmental sustainability, and industrial efficiency. Adhering to IS 3025 standards for water testing ensures that water meets safety and quality guidelines. At Kiyo R&D Center & Laboratory, we are dedicated to providing exceptional water testing services to help you assess and improve water quality, safeguarding the well-being of communities and ecosystems.